We welcomed Donald McCorkindale and Fiona Ogg to Assembly today for our end of term Praise Assembly.
Pupils received certificates for a number of events.
Top 10 Praise Awards in the BGE and Snr Phase
Celebration of Success Certificates for those not able to attend the ceremony on Tuesday night
Certificates for the Engineering Awards
Sports' Leaders Certificates from September and March events
Dance Leaders' Certificates
Volunteering Certificates Jodi MacLennan 10 and 25 hours; Ian Kammerath 10 hours; Kay Christian 10, 25 and 50 hours
Camanachd certificates for recognition of succes in the Under 14s Boys' Robertson Cup Shinty Tournament to the team players
Camanachd Award for Best Player of the year - Calum Ritchie
Camanachd Award for Most Improved Player of the year - Colin MacDonald