28 March 2023
Turas gu Sabhal Mor Ostaig – Am Mart 2023

Chaidh cuid de na sgoilearan ann an S4-6 chun an Là fosgailte aig a’ cholaiste Gàidhlig o chionn ghoirid.

Abair gun robh turas sgoinneil aca fo stiùir oifigear leasachaidh CNAG Loch Abar , Lauren Byrne. ( Mòran taing dhuibh airson ur cuideachadh leis a seo) Fhuair iad eòlas air na cùrsaichean bhon luchd-obrach agus blasad de bheatha shòisealta na colaiste – seo iad air an àrd-ùrlar san talla mhòr far an do chluich cuid aca ceòl le sgoilearan eile à Inbhir Nis.

Tha sinn a’ coimhead air adhart ri barrachd thachartasan mar seo mar phàirt den iomairt ùr againn ‘Ceanglaichean is Cothroman’ san àm ri teachd.

Trip to Sabhal Mor Ostaig – March 2023

Some of the pupils in S4-6 went to the open day at the Gaelic college recently. They had a great trip under the guidance of CNAG Lochaber development officer, Lauren Byrne. ( Many thanks to her and CNAG for their assistance in making this trip happen) They got to know the courses from the staff and a taste of the social life of the college - here they are on the stage in the great hall where some of them played music with the tutors and other pupils from Inverness.

We look forward to more events like this as part of our new 'Connections and Opportunities' campaign in the future

Ailsa S4, Layla S4 , Megan S5 agus Chloe S6

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