Film G short-listed nominations 2022
A huge well done to two of our Film G entries this year which have been short-listed for the final awards.
The S1/2 Gàidhlig medium class produced a historical biopic of the famous local 18th century poet John MacDonald, ‘Beatha Iain Lom’ which has been shortlisted for the ‘Best Production’ category. Congratulations / Mealaibh ur naidheachd
Our S1-S3 GM pupils were involved in the semi-independent production produced and directed by AHS S3 Film G stalwart Parker Dawes. Their action-packed film ‘Spies-R-us’ has been shortlisted in four ( yes four ! ) categories including :
Best Actor – Parker Dawes
Best Fluent learners film
Best Production
Best young Film-maker - Parker Dawes
A huge well done to all of them and all the best for the final award ceremony ! ‘S math a rinn sibh uile agus gur math a thèid leibh sna duaisean
PS Voting is still open for the People’s Choice awards on the Film G website