20 November 2020
Scholar On Line Sessions

From Monday 23rd November, e-Sgoil will expand their programme of weekly Study Support webinars that will span 19 of the NQ courses

available on SCHOLAR.


The table below shows the full timetable for e-Sgoil’s weekly sessions (correct as of 20th November). For up-to-date information on the

availability of e-Sgoil Study Support webinars, please visit the e-Sgoil website or Twitter page.


SCHOLAR will send our next update email if there is a substantial change to the programme, or to let you know when study sessions to

support additional SCHOLAR courses become available.


e-Sgoil Study Support Live Webinar Lessons






National 5 Mathematics*


Higher RMPS


Advanced Higher English*

National 5 Physics*


Higher Business Management*

Higher Human Biology*


Advanced Higher Physics*

National 5 Computing Science*


Higher Physics*


Higher Music


Advanced Higher Modern Studies

Higher Spanish*


Study Skills



National 5 Gaelic Learners**


Higher French*

Higher Health and Food Technology

Advanced Higher Spanish*

Higher Mathematics*


Advanced Higher Chemistry*

Higher English*


Advanced Higher Mathematics*


Higher Gàidhlig

Advanced Higher Biology*

Advanced Higher French*

Higher Chemistry*

National 5 English*

Higher History






























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