Our Assembly today demonstrated the huge range of extra curricular activities open to our young people in AHS with staff competing for space in the week to organise meetings and events.
Start up clubs are: Ardnamurcky Runners' Why Not Wednesday; Football Small School's Tournament Practices; Lunchtime Clubs for Sports; ICT Club; Duke of Edinburgh; Trad Music group; Art and/or Craft Club; Young Chef Competition; Eco Schools Committee; World Challenge planning; Sports' Council meeting.
We finished with our School Captains introducing the Pupil Council representatives for 2019/20 who have been elected by year groups over last two weeks.
S1 Willow Bond-Carter and Parker Dawes
S2 Ross McCorkindale and Isla Crosbie
S3 Maisie Gregg and Fraser MacDonald
S4 Kirsty Campbell and Calum MacLellan
S5 Rachel Ford and Dugald Macintyre
S6 Janie Patterson and Ian Kammerath